title = "Molecular biological approaches to the investigation of photosystem I",
author = "Okkels, {Jens Sigurd} and Scheller, {Henrik Vibe} and Birgitte Andersen and V.S. Nielsen and Nielsen, {Hanne Linde} and Inga Olsen and D.C. Jensen and M{\o}ller, {Birger Lindberg}",
note = "March 13-16, 1990; Conference on Solar Photoconversion Processes for Recycling Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere : An Assessment of Energy, Research and Industrial Implications, IEA (International Energy Agency) ; Conference date: 13-03-1990 Through 16-03-1990",
year = "1990",
language = "English",
pages = "73--79",
booktitle = "Conference on Solar Photoconversion Processes for Recycling Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere",