Mikroskopisk kolitis er en hyppig årsag til kronisk diarré

Lars Kristian Munck, Signe Wildt, Peter Johan Heiberg Engell, Ole Kristian Bonderup


Microscopic colitis (MC) is a common cause of chronic, non-bloody diarrhoea in the elderly population. In Denmark the incidence has been rising for the last decades. Sufficient biopsy material from colon mucosa is essential for the diagnosis. Treatment is important to improve the patient's quality of life, which is significantly impaired in active MC. This paper reviews newly published data regarding epidemiology, diagnostic criteria and a new European treatment guideline and also includes updates on ongoing and future studies in MC.

Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number8A
Pages (from-to)366-370
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2014

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