Iron from Zealandic bog iron ore -: more than a theoretical possibility?


Arkæologiens hyppige brug af Werners Christensens udbredelseskort over myremalmsforekomsterne i Danmark (1966) problematiseres og der argumenteres for, at man på Sjælland anvender Kristian Rørdams kartering i kombination med aktuelle iagttagelser. Dernæst skitseres - på baggrund af det arkæologiske og geologiske materiale, metallurgiske analyser og eksperimentel arkæologiske forsøg - konturerne af en jernproduktion med udgangspunkt i den sjællandske myremalm.

The frequent application by archaeologists of
Werner Christensen’s distribution map for the occurrence
of bog iron ore in Denmark (1966) is queried, and
the argument is made for the use, relative to Zealand,
of Kristian Rørdam’s mapping data in combination with
actual observations. Subsequently, against the background
of the archaeological and geological record, metallurgical
analyses and experimental archaeological research, the
contours are sketched of iron production based on bog
iron ore from Zealand.
Translated title of the contributionJern af sjællandsk myremalm -: mere end en teoretisk mulighed?
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesNordiske Fortidsminder Serie C
Pages (from-to)139-145
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2011


  • Faculty of Humanities

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