(In)visible Ghosts in the Machine and the Powers that Bind: The Relational Securitization of Anonymous

Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Mark Daniel Jaeger

12 Citations (Scopus)


This paper analyzes the formation and subsequent securitization of the digital protest movement Anonymous, highlighting the emergence of social antagonists from communication itself. In contrast to existing approaches that implicitly or explicitly conceptualize Othering (and securitization) as unidirectional process between (active) sender and (passive) receiver, an approach that is based on communication gives the “threat” a voice of its own.

The concept proposed in this paper focuses on “designations” as communicating rules and attributes with regard to a government object. It delineates how designations give rise to the visibility of political entities and agency in the first place. Applying this framework, we can better understand the movement's path from a bunch of anonymous individuals to the collectivity “Anonymous,” posing a threat to certain bases of the state's ontological existence, its prerogative to secrecy, and challenging its claim to unrestrained surveillance. At the same time, the state's bases are implicated and reproduced in the way this conflict is constructed. The conflict not only (re)produces and makes visible “the state” as a social entity, but also changes or at least challenges the self-same entity's agency and legitimacy.

Such a relational approach allows insights into conflict formation as dynamic social process.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Political Sociology
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)176-195
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015


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