title = "Introducing Materialities of Passing",
abstract = "Passing is a matter of transformation, transition and transience. At the precarious and indeterminate borderlands of being and non-being, people, places and things are in motion across dubious, interstitial states of existence. Sometimes, these liminal entities are harnessed by the hope or even promise of a future, of a form of being beyond time, or they may be eclipsed by the prospects of dissolution. Even in the face of terminal existence, whoever or whatever makes the transition thus stands on the verge of emergence, either being subject to an inevitable metamorphosis or leaving behind a void filled with the potential for new beginnings. This volume argues that we may identify passing in more than the colloquial sense of the expression, which refers to human death. We hold that materialities of passing issue forth in numerous instances and forms, constituting a transport between states of being, not being and new configurations of being.",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Anthropology, Archaeology, Death, Burial, Grief, Memory, Philosophy, Decay",
author = "S{\o}rensen, {Tim Flohr} and Peter Bjerregaard and Rasmussen, {Anders Emil}",
year = "2016",
month = jan,
day = "1",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781472441973",
series = "Studies in Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time",
pages = "1--23",
editor = "S{\o}rensen, {Tim Flohr} and Peter Bjerregaard and Rasmussen, {Anders Emil}",
booktitle = "Materialities of Passing: Transformation, transition and transience",
publisher = "Routledge",
address = "United Kingdom",