Interpreting, negotiating, and engaging in health data on

Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke, Mikka Nielsen

Abstract is the Danish eHealth portal providing access to healthcare services as well as patients’ own health care records. The purpose of the portal is to create full transparency, so citizens can become well-informed and qualified partners in the public health care system. Based on an on-going interview study, this paper examines patients’ use of and engagement with data available on the platform. It asks how access to data affects the patient’s understanding of his or her disorder and discusses further the implications for the patient’s involvement in treatment and therapeutic processes. The preliminary analysis suggests that access to numeric measurements increasespatients’ experiences of control over treatment plans. However, when it comes to qualitative descriptions made by the doctor about the patient, the opposite is the case.These tend to foster insecurity on the patients’ side. Another crucial point is the time and space of data access. As the platform is always available, the space and time when the patient meets his or her data is re-negotiated. Therefore, understanding and having a sense of ownership of one’s data is not only a matter of the data itself but also a question of where it is accessed and if the patient engages in (and is able to engage in) the opportunity of discussing the data with health professionals. Thus, the paper argues that access to health data on produces new practices as well as new spaces of interpreting, negotiating, and engaging in health.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventThe Digitally Engaged Patient - University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 11 Jun 201912 Jun 2019


ConferenceThe Digitally Engaged Patient
LocationUniversity of Copenhagen
Internet address

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