Ileus, hernier og påvirket fertilitet forekommer sjældent efter appendektomi

Translated title of the contribution: A low risk of ileus, incisional hernia and impact on female fertility after appendectomy

Tilde Rasmussen, Siv Fonnes, Jacob Rosenberg


Appendicitis is a common condition, which is often seen by the general practitioners as well as in the emergency departments. It is normally treated with laparoscopic appendectomy. This review gives an overview of the long-term surgical complications ileus and incisional hernia and of the impact of appendicitis and appendectomy on female fertility. The literature shows, that there is a low risk of ileus and incisional hernia after appendectomy, and that there is no change in female fertility after appendectomy, not even in cases where the appendix was perforated.

Translated title of the contributionA low risk of ileus, incisional hernia and impact on female fertility after appendectomy
Original languageDanish
Article numberV04180291
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number48
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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