Gunther Teubner, Πολυσυγκειμενικό δίκαιο: Το συνταγματικό δίκαιο της κοινωνίας των πολιτών

Translated title of the contribution: Gunther Teubner, Polycontextural law: The constitutional law of the civil society

Achilles Skordas (Editor), Vaios Karavas (Editor), Emilios Christodoulides (Editor), Vaios Karavas (Translator)

Translated title of the contributionGunther Teubner, Polycontextural law: The constitutional law of the civil society
Original languageGreek
Place of PublicationThessaloniki
PublisherSakkoulas A.E.
Number of pages261
ISBN (Print)960 445 027 1
Publication statusPublished - 2005

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