title = "Glass fragments from Central located European Trading Centres (3rd - 5th century AD).: The Lower Danube in Antiquity (VI BC - VI C AD). International Archaeological Conference Bulgaria-Tutrakan, 6.-7.10.2005.",
abstract = "Relationer mellem nordeurop{\ae}iske centralpladser og glasproducerende centre ved Sortehavet i romersk jernalder og {\ae}ldre germansk jernalder belyst ud fra handel med glas.",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, jernalder, romersk jernalder, centralpladser, handel, romersk glas, Danmark, Syd{\o}steuropa, Sortehavet, Iron Age, Roman Iron Age, central sites, trade, Roman glass, Denmark, Southeast Europe, The Black See",
author = "Hansen, {Ulla Lund}",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-954-90387-8-1.",
series = "National Institute of Archaeology and Museum. Tutrakan History Museum.",
publisher = "Bulgarian Academy of Sciences",
edition = "1",