Gestione pre-ospedaliera dei pazienti con dolore toracico e/o dispnea di origine cardiaca: Position Paper Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACCA) della Società Europea di Cardiologia

Translated title of the contribution: Pre-hospital management of patients with chest pain and/or dyspnoea of cardiac origin.

Farzin Beygui, Maaret Castren, Natale Daniele Brunetti, Fernando Rosell-Ortiz, Michael Christ, Uwe Zeymer, Kurt Huber, Fredrik Folke, Leif Svensson, Hector Bueno, Arnoud Van't Hof, Nikolaos Nikolaou, Lutz Nibbe, Sandrine Charpentier, Eva Swahn, Marco Tubaro, Patrick Goldstein


Chest pain and acute dyspnoea are frequent causes of emergency medical services activation. The pre-hospital management of these conditions is heterogeneous across different regions of the world and Europe, as a consequence of the variety of emergency medical services and absence of specific practical guidelines. This position paper focuses on the practical aspects of the pre-hospital treatment on board and transfer of patients taken in charge by emergency medical services for chest pain and dyspnoea of suspected cardiac aetiology after the initial assessment and diagnostic work-up. The objective of the paper is to provide guidance, based on evidence, where available, or on experts' opinions, for all emergency medical services' health providers involved in the pre-hospital management of acute cardiovascular care.

Translated title of the contributionPre-hospital management of patients with chest pain and/or dyspnoea of cardiac origin.
Original languageItalian
JournalRecenti Progressi in Medicina
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)27-51
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2017


  • Journal Article


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