Genre on Time: The framing of Danish Politics as Scandalous


In a Danish context the political fiction film has not been heavily promoted or been the centre of attention for directors, and when it has been explored it has in fact not been a very successful genre. However, recently, an interest in the political sphere has emerged among filmmakers in Denmark. Simultaneously, the political culture in Denmark since the turn of the century has become less focused on a welfare and solidarity consensus, and it has created new types of conflicts where the population has become more sceptical and critical towards the political system and in some degree also towards the journalistic credo. The article analyze how the socio-cultural political context developed especially since 2001 interacts with the content and form of the political fiction films, and how the films are embedded in a general mediatization of culture which implies that subject matter related to for example politics is framed in popular form - in news and in fiction films.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNordic Journal of Media Studies.
Issue number1
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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