Explaining the Evolution of Poverty: The Case of Mozambique

Channing Arndt, Azhar Hussain, Edward Samuel Jones, Virgulino Nhate, Finn Tarp, James Thurlow

23 Citations (Scopus)


We provide a comprehensive approach for analyzing the evolution of poverty using Mozambique as a case study. Bringing together data from disparate sources, we develop a novel “back-casting” framework that links a dynamic computable general equilibrium model to a micro-simulation poverty module. This framework provides a new approach to explaining and decomposing the evolution of poverty, as well as to examining rigorously the coherence between poverty, economic growth, and inequality outcomes. Finally, various simple but useful and rarely-applied approaches to considering regional changes in poverty rates are presented.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)854-872
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


  • Faculty of Social Sciences

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