title = "Empatia e rispecchiamento: un altro sguardo a Husserl",
author = "Dan Zahavi",
note = "Italiensk overs{\ae}ttelse af forkortet udgave af {"}Empathy and mirroring: Husserl and Gallese.{"} In R. Breeur & U. Melle (eds.): Life, Subjectivity & Art: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Bernet. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, 217-254.",
year = "2014",
language = "Italiensk",
isbn = "978-88-5752-570-9",
pages = "47--68",
editor = "S. Borutti and F. Fonnesu and L. Vanzago",
booktitle = "Intersoggettivit{\`a}",
publisher = "Mimesis",