Emotion work and feeling rules of engaging with newly arrived children in comprehensive schools in Denmark


This paper examines the common features of emotion work among preschool and schoolteachers engaging with newly arrived children in comprehensive schools in Denmark. Using empirical data based on classroom observations and interviews in both mainstream classrooms and transitional classroom with newly arrived children, the analytical attention is on the situated practices of personal, social and professional feeling rules of engaging, and the causes, motivations and attitudes associated to these practices. The investigation is informed by a micro-sociological approach, and theoretically grounded in the Bolton and Boyd’s moving on from Hochschild’s concept of emotional labour to the notion of situated emotion work. The finding shows that the pedagogical work of emotion is framed by both the school’s approach to the distribution of students, and the varying situated feeling rules of engaging with newly arrived children.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventCongrès International de L'AREF: Symposium: Regards croisés sur línclusion/exclusion des élèves migrants dan différents contextes scolaires nationaux - Campus Victoire , Bordeaux, France
Duration: 3 Jul 20195 Jul 2019


ConferenceCongrès International de L'AREF
LocationCampus Victoire
Internet address


  • Faculty of Humanities

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