Elements of the cognitive universe


"The least biased inference, taking available information into account, is the one with maximum entropy". So we are taught by Jaynes. The many followers from a broad spectrum of the natural and social sciences point to the wisdom of this principle, the maximum entropy principle, MaxEnt. But "entropy" need not be tied only to classical entropy and thus to probabilistic thinking. In fact, the arguments found in Jaynes' writings and elsewhere can, as we shall attempt to demonstrate, profitably be revisited, elaborated and transformed to apply in a much more general abstract setting. The approach is based on game theoretical thinking. Philosophical considerations dealing with notions of cognition - basically truth and belief - lie behind. Quantitative elements are introduced via a concept of description effort. An interpretation of Tsallis Entropy is indicated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number040002
JournalA I P Conference Proceedings Series
Issue number1
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2017


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