Effects of a large scale EOtC intervention on pupils’ well-being

Mads Bølling, Janni Niclasen, Glen Nielsen


Education Outside the Classroom (EOtC) activities are characterised by teachers
making use of the local environment when teaching specific subjects. EOtC is
described as involving innovative teaching methods, child-led approaches to problem solving, experimentation, cooperation, physical activity and play.
Self-Determination Theory suggests three basic psychological needs, i.e. competence, autonomy and relatedness. EOtC supports of all these needs. When these needs are satisfied pupils experience more well-being.
There is a lack of clear research-based evidence about the impact of EOtC on pupils’ well-being. Therefore, we aim to investigate the effect of EOtC on pupils’ general psychological well-being using a quasi-experimental equivalent groups design. In total, 28 EOtC-classes and 20 non-EOtC parallel classes participated. The EOtC teachers participated in a two day course about the didactics of EOtC and agreed to provide 5 hours of EOtC 1-2 days a week during the schoolyear 2014/15. Non-EOtC teachers were asked to provide lessons as usual. Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, data on the pupils (n=918) general psychological well-being was collected at the beginning and end of the schoolyear. The amount and characteristics of the actual EOtC provided in both EOtC and non-EOtC classes was monitored day-today throughout the intervention period using an online teacher survey platform. The influence of EOtC was analyzed by comparing EOtC pupils to control pupils on their well-being scores at the end of the year of EOtC adjusting for the baseline values (from the beginning of the year). The theoretical foundation, study design and main finding will be presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication7th International Outdoor Education Research Conference. Unama'ki / Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. July 4-8, 2016 : Book of Abstracts
EditorsPatrick Maher, Morten Asfeldt, Catalina Belalcázar
Number of pages1
Place of PublicationNova Scotia, Canada
PublisherCape Breton University
Publication date2016
ISBN (Electronic)1-978-77206-069
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event7th International Outdoor Education Research Conference - Cape Breton University, Sydney, Canada
Duration: 4 Jul 20168 Jul 2016


Conference7th International Outdoor Education Research Conference
LocationCape Breton University
Internet address

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