Crown-of-thorns starfish have true image forming vision

Ronald Petie, Anders Lydik Garm, Michael Hall

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Background: Photoreceptors have evolved numerous times giving organisms the ability to detect light and respond to specific visual stimuli. Studies into the visual abilities of the Asteroidea (Echinodermata) have recently shown that species within this class have a more developed visual sense than previously thought and it has been demonstrated that starfish use visual information for orientation within their habitat. Whereas image forming eyes have been suggested for starfish, direct experimental proof of true spatial vision has not yet been obtained. Results: The behavioural response of the coral reef inhabiting crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) was tested in controlled aquarium experiments using an array of stimuli to examine their visual performance. We presented starfish with various black-and-white shapes against a mid-intensity grey background, designed such that the animals would need to possess true spatial vision to detect these shapes. Starfish responded to black-and-white rectangles, but no directional response was found to black-and-white circles, despite equal areas of black and white. Additionally, we confirmed that starfish were attracted to black circles on a white background when the visual angle is larger than 14°. When changing the grey tone of the largest circle from black to white, we found responses to contrasts of 0.5 and up. The starfish were attracted to the dark area's of the visual stimuli and were found to be both attracted and repelled by the visual targets. Conclusions: For crown-of-thorns starfish, visual cues are essential for close range orientation towards objects, such as coral boulders, in the wild. These visually guided behaviours can be replicated in aquarium conditions. Our observation that crown-of-thorns starfish respond to black-and-white shapes on a mid-intensity grey background is the first direct proof of true spatial vision in starfish and in the phylum Echinodermata.

Original languageEnglish
Article number41
JournalFrontiers in Zoology
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 6 Sept 2016


  • Faculty of Science


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