Cross-linguistic perspectives on speech assessment in cleft palate.

Elisabeth Willadsen, Gunilla Henningsson


This chapter deals with cross linguistic perspectives that need to be taken into account when comparing speech assessment and speech outcome obtained from cleft palate speakers of different languages. Firstly, an overview of consonants and vowels vulnerable to the cleft condition is presented. Then, consequences for assessment of cleft palate speech by native versus non-native speakers of a language are discussed, as well as the use of phonemic versus phonetic transcription in cross linguistic studies. Specific recommendations
for the construction of speech samples in cross linguistic studies are given.
Finally, the influence of different languages on some aspects of language acquisition in young children with cleft palate is presented and discussed.
Until recently, not much has been written about cross linguistic perspectives when dealing with cleft palate speech. Most literature about assessment of cleft palate speech has been published in English and has also been based upon studies where both patients and researchers/clinicians talk the same language, usually American or British English.
However, as many people now live in a multicultural and multilingual society, the need to consider cross linguistic issues has been highlighted from a research perspective as well as from a clinical point of view.
Translated title of the contributionBedømmelse af tale hos individer med læbe-ganespalte belyst fra et tværsprogligt perspektiv
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCleft Palate Speech
EditorsSarah Howard, Anette Lohmander
Number of pages14
Place of PublicationOxford
Publication date2012
ISBN (Print)978-0-470-74330-0
ISBN (Electronic)9781119998570
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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