title = "Controlling solid state properties of pharmaceuticals with polymer selection",
author = "Baldursd{\'o}ttir, {Stefan{\'i}a Gu{\dh}laug} and Fang Tian and Rantanen, {Jukka Tapio}",
note = "Titel p{\aa} proceedings: Annual transactions the nordic rheology society Undertitel p{\aa} proceedings: Papers presented at the nordic rheology conference Copenhagen, Denmark, August 27-29, 2008 Volume: 16 Sider: 239-242; The Nordic Rheology Conference ; Conference date: 27-08-2008 Through 29-08-2008",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
journal = "Nordic Rheology Society Annual Transactions",
issn = "1601-4057",
publisher = "Nordic Rheology Society; 1997",