title = "Contacts during the 3rd to 5th centuries AD between southern Scandinavia and the Black Sea area - glass and glass fragments found in graves and trading centres in northern and central Europe.",
abstract = "Glaskar og fragmenter af glas fra gravfund og handelspladser som illustration af kontakter mellem Skandinavien og Sortehavsomr{\aa}det i 3. til 5. {\aa}rh. e.Kr. ",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Archeology, Scandinavia, Black Sea",
author = "Hansen, {Ulla Lund}",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-3-86757-852-3",
volume = "34",
series = "Siedlungs- und K{\"u}stenforschung im s{\"u}dlichen Nordseegebiet",
pages = "151--164",
editor = "Felix Bittmann and Johannes Ey and Martina Karle and Hauke J{\"o}ns and Erwin Strahl and Steffen Wolters",
booktitle = "Settlement and Coastal Research in the Southern North Sea region.",
publisher = "Verlag Marie Leidorf",