Comparison of data driven mastitis detection methods

D. Jensen, M. Van Der Voort*, C. Kamphuis, I. N. Athanasiadis, A. De Vries, H. Hogeveen

*Corresponding author for this work
    1 Citation (Scopus)


    The aim of this study is to compare the performances of different data driven methods for their ability in early detection of clinical mastitis. Many scientific papers on data driven methods for early mastitis detection have been published in the last decade. The performances vary greatly as well as the data used, the applied time window, and the gold standard definition. To compare the performances of these data driven methods, this study applied various data driven methods including time series filtering and classification methods (i.e. Naïve Bayesian networks and Random Forest) under similar conditions. Forecast errors and filtered means of the time series models were used to distinguish mastitis cases from non-cases. Moreover, we focused solely on electrical conductivity (EC) measures of milk to detect clinical mastitis. Data for this study were provided by Lely Industries and originate from 57 farms in six different European countries with a total of 1,094,780 cow milkings with EC measurements at quarter milk level. It is hypothesised that the performances with respect to mastitis detection will differ substantially between the different methods, and that the ranking of methods is not consistent across different datasets. Despite this, our preliminary results suggest that the performances of Naïve Bayesian networks and Random Forest do not vary much. The various filtering methods also present similar results. Although our naive approach of data handling allows us to compare different methods, we expect that each method in itself have the potential to improve when other (historical) variables than just EC are included.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPrecision Livestock Farming 2019 - Papers Presented at the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019
    EditorsBernadette O'Brien, Deirdre Hennessy, Laurence Shalloo
    Number of pages7
    PublisherOrganising Committee of the 9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF), Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre
    Publication date2019
    ISBN (Electronic)9781841706542
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    Event9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019 - Cork, Ireland
    Duration: 26 Aug 201929 Aug 2019


    Conference9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019
    SponsorAgriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc), An Roinn Talmhaiochta, Bia agus Mara, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Dairymaster, et al., SoundTalks, Zoetis


    • Classification
    • EC
    • Filtering
    • Mastitis
    • Transformation


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