title = "Combining NIR spectroscopy,stepwise chemical digestion and empirical or mechanistic models for predicting C and N mineralization from a wide range of plant residues",
author = "Jensen, {L. S.} and B. Stenberg and Henriksen, {T. M.} and S. Bruun and T. Salo and F. Palmason and J. Gudmundson and A. Korsaeth and Breland, {T. A.}",
note = "Kode for udgivelsesland: 'us' Kode for bibliotekets beholdning: 'modtaget' Ukendte organisationer '\'agsci\', \'agsci-labpern\', \'Norwegian Crop Research Institute\''; ASA-CSSA-SSSA-CSSS Annual Meeting ; Conference date: 01-01-2004",
year = "2004",
language = "English",