title = "Bodies and Voices: The Force-Field of Representation and Discourse in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies",
abstract = "A wide-ranging collection of essays centred on readings of the body in contemporary literary and socio-anthropological discourse, from slavery and rape to female genital mutilation, from clothing, ocular pornography, voice, deformation and transmutation to the imprisoned, dismembered, remembered, abducted or ghostly body, in Africa, Australasia and the Pacific, Canada, the Caribbean, Great Britain and Eire",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, body readings, contemporary literature, socio-anthropology, colonial studies, postcolonial studies",
editor = "Knudsen, {Eva Rask} and Falch, {Merete Borch} and Martin Leer and {Clunies Ross}, Bruce",
note = "paginering: XL, 459 pp. Editorial: XVII-XL",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-90-420-2334-5",
series = "Cross/Cultures Series",
publisher = "Brill | Rodopi",
number = "94",