Auctioning payment entitlements


    Payment entitlements is a new commodity that arises from the new European common agricultural policy. The agricultural subsidies are decoupled from the actual production and replaced by the so-called payment entitlements. A payment entitlement has a farm specific value and may be freely traded. This paper discusses the complexity of this new market and suggests an auction that simplifies the complexity. The suggested auction allows a buyer to simultaneously bid on all payment entitlements. The prices are found by a tatonnement that monotonically approximates the equilibrium prices for the different types of payment entitlements for sale. The auction enhances the competition and efficiency of the market, which is essential for the individual members of the European Union in order for them to receive their entitled subsidies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe future of rural Europe on a global agri-food system
    Number of pages15
    PublisherEuropean Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
    Publication date2005
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventSeminar of the EAAE - Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 24 Aug 200527 Aug 2005
    Conference number: 99


    ConferenceSeminar of the EAAE


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