Akut iskaemisk proktitis efter et epileptisk anfald

C.K. Klintmann, A. Glenthoj, Jens Georg Hilligsø


    Acute ischemic proctitis is a rare diagnosis mainly because the rectum is supplied by an extensive arterial network. Consequently, in more than 90% of patients with ischemic colitis the rectum is spared. Previously reported cases are related to severe vascular insufficiency of the rectal circulation caused by systemic atherosclerosis, usually following aortic or aortoiliac operations. We report one case of acute ischemic proctitis following an epileptic attack
    Udgivelsesdato: 2008/9/29
    Original languageDanish
    JournalUgeskrift for læger
    Issue number40
    Pages (from-to)3124-3125
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2008

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