Accelerating Multiple-Point Geostatistical Simulation with GPU

Óli D. Jóhannsson, Thomas Mejer Hansen


Geostatistical simulation methods are widely used to characterize reservoir models in the Earth Sciences. Multiple-Point Geostatistics (MPS) is a class of methods of sequential simulation, that unlike two-point statistics, can reproduce complex spatial features, such as connectivity, curviliniarity, and features of multiple scale orders. In practice the utilization of MPS based simulation is hampered by their relatively high computational costs. Here a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based parallel implementation of IMPALA is presented in which the pattern statistics is scanned only once, and stored on the GPU.

Original languageDanish
Publication date1 Jun 2018
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018
Event80th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 - Bella Center, København, Denmark
Duration: 10 Jun 201815 Jun 2018


Conference80th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018
LocationBella Center
Internet address

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