title = "Absolute poverty lines",
abstract = "Private consumption capabilities form only one facet of comprehensive living standards assessments, but they are an important facet whose measurement should be done well. Measurement is complex due to a multitude of methodological choices, which often interact with imperfect data and a desire for comparability through time. This paper outlines ideas underpinning these choices with particular attention to the tensions between consistency and specificity. We also highlight a series of limitations associated with typical cost of basic needs approaches. Finally, we reaffirm that a {\textquoteleft}sensibly eclectic{\textquoteright} approach, employing multiple methods, is the best available mode for addressing these limitations.",
keywords = "Faculty of Social Sciences, C13, I32, O12",
author = "Channing Arndt and Kristi Mahrt and Finn Tarp",
note = "JEL classification: C13, I32, O12",
year = "2016",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-92-9256-051-5",
series = "UNU WIDER Working Paper Series",
number = "8",
publisher = "UNU-WIDER",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "UNU-WIDER",