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Vasiliki Vana


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Current research

The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally and research on satiation signalling has emerged. However, the mechanisms that signal satiation from the gut to the brain are complex and not yet fully understood. (1) The aim of my project is to evaluate the gut hormone signalling from the L-enteroendocrine cells to the brain in response to intra-gastric application of Intralipid and other lipids in mouse models. Sensing of fat occurs already in the oral cavity via taste receptors, but it continues in the ventricle and primarily in the small intestine, independent of taste perceptions. (2,3,4) Using behavioural animal models that allow to bypass the oral textural and flavour cues (5), I intend to investigate the receptors and hormones that are involved in the gut-brain signalling after administration of dietary fat.


1. Perry, B., and Y. Wang. "Appetite regulation and weight control: the role of gut hormones." Nutrition & diabetes 2.1 (2012): e26.

2. Dramane, Gado, et al. "Cell mechanisms of gustatory lipids perception and modulation of the dietary fat preference." Biochimie 107 (2014): 11-14.

3. Engelstoft, Maja S., et al. "Enteroendocrine cell types revisited." Current opinion in pharmacology 13.6 (2013): 912-921.

4. Hansen, Harald S., et al. "GPR119 as a fat sensor." Trends in pharmacological sciences 33.7 (2012): 374-381.

5. Kleberg, Karen, et al. "Sensing of triacylglycerol in the gut: different mechanisms for fatty acids and 2‐monoacylglycerol." The Journal of physiology 593.8 (2015): 2097-2109.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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