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Leif Littrup

  • 11B Bygning 11B (Afsnit 2), 11B-2-21

    2300 København S

1991 …2018

Research activity per year

Personal profile


2014: Emeritus

2001: Reader in history at the University of Copenhagen

1988: Reader in Chinese at the University of Copenhagen

1981: Senior lecturer in Chinese at the University of Copenhagen

1978: Ph.D. (Australian National University)

1973: Cand.mag. / M.A. in Chinese and history at the University of Copenhagen

Primary fields of research

Chinese history since around 1400- 

Historiography, particularly the study of world history in modern and comtemporary China.

Current research

A history of China since around 1500 with special reference to cross-border relations. (Manuscript in Danish for the general reader)

Knowledge of languages

Arbejdsmæssigt anvendes engelsk, tysk, fransk og kinesisk (moderne almensprog og klassisk), ligesom et vist kendskab til japansk og malajisk undertiden er til god nytte.


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