Kamilla Kraft

Kamilla Kraft

  • Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 København S


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Personal profile

Short presentation

I obtained my PhD in language sociology at the MultiLing centre, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies at University of Oslo, Norway. Furthermore, I hold Bachelor and Masters degrees in English and Social Welfare Studies from Roskilde University, Denmark.

I am interested in processes of multilingualism and labour migration, especially with regard to how these structurate workplaces. Currently, I am studying construction sites, primarily in Norway, but also in Denmark. These workplaces are highly international and multilingual due to labour migration with workers coming from e.g. Poland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Greece, and Spain.

My PhD study explored how multilingualism and communication are regulated by and regulate work, how this regulation work is keyed to logics of flexibility in late capitalism, and how it reproduces stratification of the labour market. My postdoc research is also anchored in the construction industry, but focuses on how members of temporary teams with different socio-cultural and professional backgrounds produce and reproduce linguistic and social norms for and through their collaboration, or lack hereof. This study contributes to theorising human sociality as it explores how people build social order through establishing - either negotiating or enforcing - specific norms. The study demonstrates what these norms are, and how they are established in a dialectics between local interactions and institutional as well as social structures. It is part of the TMC project.



Introductory remarks on publicationslist

List of publications 

  1. Kraft, Kamilla. 2019. Linguistic securitisation as a governmentality in the neoliberalising welfare state. In Luisa Martin-Rojo and Alfonso Del Percio (eds.), Language, Governmentality and Neoliberalism. Abingdon: Routledge.

  2. Kraft, Kamilla. 2019. Language policies and linguistic competence: new speakers in the Norwegian construction industry. Language Policy,aop. DOI: 10.1007/s10993-018-9502-6 

  3. Kraft, Kamilla. 2018. Kontekster og vilkår for arbejdsintegreret sproglæring. Sprogforum, 66: 71-77. [Sproget på arbejde]

  4. Kraft, Kamilla & Dorte Lønsmann. 2018. A language ideological landscape: The complex map in international companies in Denmark. In Tamah Sherman and Jiri Nekvapil (eds), English in Business and Commerce: Interactions and Policies. Boston/Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 46-72.
  5. Lønsmann, Dorte & Kamilla Kraft. 2018. Language policy and practice in multilingual production workplaces. Multilingua 37(4): 403-427. [Special issue Professional discourse in multilingual settings: Policies and practices].

  6. Lønsmann, Dorte & Kamilla Kraft. 2018. Language in blue-collar workplaces. In Bernadette Vine (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language in the Workplace. New York: Routledge (Handbooks in Applied Linguistics series), 138-149.

  7. Kamilla Kraft. 2017. Constructing migrant workers: Multilingualism and communication in the transnational construction site. PhD dissertation. Oslo: University of Oslo. 

  8. Daryai-Hansen, Petra & Kamilla Kraft. 2014. Sproglige ressourcer, praksisser og profiler: RUC som internationalt universitet. RASK: Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation, 41: 79-101. 

  9. Kraft, Kamilla. fc/2020. The trajectory of a language broker: between privilege and precarity. In: Maria Sabaté i Dalmau and Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà (eds.). Local, nation-state and interactional linguistic regimes at the crossroads: transnational trajectories of language world workers in globalized labour spaces. Special issue, International Journal of Multilingualism.

Education/Academic qualification

Constructing Migrant Workers: Language and Communication in the Transnational Construction Site, Oslo Universitet

1 Aug 201331 Oct 2017

Award Date: 28 Sept 2017


  • Faculty of Humanities


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