Research output per year
Research output per year
Emil Holms Kanal 6
2300 København S
Research activity per year
Johan Pedersen
MA in Spanish language and culture, University of Copenhagen (1992). Minor in Economics, University of Copenhagen (1993). Graduate Diploma in International Business, HD1, CBS (HD 2 partly) (1995). Ph.D. in Spanish linguistics, University of Copenhagen (2000).
Associate professor of Spanish Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen.
Head of the Spanish section at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Languages, University of Copenhagen.
Chairman of the Kirsten Schottlænder’s Foundation board. The foundation awards grants for studies and research projects within Spanish, Catalan, or Portuguese language and culture.
Editor of the international, peer reviewed journal Revue Romane, John Benjamin, Amsterdam, Spanish linguistics (level 2 journal).
Primary research interests
Research collaboration, research groups and projects
PhD-supervision, PhD-seminars and committees
Editorial duties
Teaching – courses and projects
Courses - BA-level
Courses - Masters (KA) level
Didactic projects
Management and administrative experience
Evaluation – research projects, job positions, competences
Publications: see publication list.
Papers delivered at international conferences, seminars and workshops
(1) International seminar on grammaticalization. University of Copenhagen, 1997. Title: Clause Combining: grammatical-lexical meaning structure.
(2) XXVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Palma de Mallorca, Spain. December 1997. Title: Orientación conceptual en la oración compuesta.
(3) Ph.d.-conference, University of Lund, 1998. Title: Reconsidering the interclausal relationship.
(4) Conference, Schäffergården, Copenhagen, October 1998. Title: Konstituentstruktur i den kognitive grammatik.
(5) Seminar Ny Forskning i Grammatik, SHF-netværket, Skodsborg, November1998. Title: Omkring den spanske sætningstypologi.
(6) XXVIII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Madrid, December 1998. Title: Los constituyentes de la gramática cognitiva.
(7) Ny Forskning i Grammatik, SHF-netværket, Farmacon in Hillerød, Oktober 1999. Title: Underordning og sideordning som grammatiske kategorier.
(8) The third annual meeting of the High Desert Linguistics Society. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico: High Desert Linguistics Society, April 2000. Title: Reconsidering the interclausal relationship and its grammaticization. A case study of Spanish aunque. A new cognitive approach to adverbial subordination.
(9) II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva (AELCO), Madrid, May 2000. Title: Alternancias conectivas y control discursivo.
(10) The Ninth International Conference on Functional Grammar, Madrid, September 2000. Title: Reconsidering the interclausal relationship and its grammaticalization.
(11) Ny Forskning i Grammatik, SHF-netværket, Gilleleje, Oktober 2000. Title: Fra forbundne konstruktioner til den konstruerede forbindelse. Om den komplekse sætnings grammatikalisering og processering.
(12) II Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Madrid, Diciembre 2000. Title: El subordinante adverbial y el proceso de gramaticalización. El caso de ‘aunque’.
(13) Seventh International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), Santa Barbara, California, July 2001. Title: To link constructions and to construct the link.
(14) Ny Forskning i Grammatik, SHF-netværket, Sandbjerg Gods, 2001. Title: En kontrastiv analyse af den refleksive konstruktion i spansk. Metodologiske overvejelser.
(15) Functional Grammar Network, Copenhagen 2002. Title: Den upersonlige se-konstruktion i et diakront, konstruktionsgrammatisk perspektiv.
(16) The Second International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG), Helsingfors, September 2002. Title: Case-marking in the Spanish impersonal se-construction. Constructional aspects of the historical change.
(17) The Sixth Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language Conference, Rice University, Houston, October 2002. Title: The Spanish impersonal se-construction. Voice and case.
(18) Ny Forskning i Grammatik, SHF-netværket, November 2002. Title: Refleksivforstærkeren i spansk.
(19) International seminar in the Grammaticalization Network, Roskilde november 2002. Title: Den upersonlige se-konstruktion i spansk. Kongruens, kasus og ordstilling i et diakront perspektiv.
(20) Grammaticalization Network, international seminar with Henning Andersen, Ulrich Detges, Brian Joseph, Daniel Jacob. Title: Reflexive intensification in Spanish. A historical perspective, May 2003.
(21) The Eighth International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics (ICLC) 2003, La Rioja, Spain, Title: The reflexive intensifier in Spanish.
(22) The XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, August 2003, Copenhagen. Title: Reflexive intensification in Spanish. Toward a complex reflexive?
(23) Conference organized by the Language and Culture Network: Disciplines and Interdisciplinarity, University of Århus, 2003. Title: Construction Grammar and Second Language Acquisition: A Cognitive Understanding of Language in a Contrastive Perspective. Presentation with Teresa Cadierno (SDU).
(24) Grammar seminar, Ny Forskning I Grammatik 12. Title: Problemer i modusbeskrivelsen i spansk. Fokus på leksikal eller morfologisk betydning? Musholmseminaret, October 2004.
(25) International Seminar on Language Change and Explanatory Models, University of Copenhagen, December 2004. Title: Grammar-based or Usage-based Connectives: on Changes in the Mood-selection in Spanish.
(26) XXXIV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Madrid, diciembre de 2004. Título: Intensificación Reflexiva en Español, ¿Hacia Anáforas Reflexivas Complejas?
(27) The XVIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Madison, Wisconsin, 2005. Title: The Spanish impersonal se-construction.
(28) XVI Congreso de Romanistas Escandinavos, Copenhague 2005. Título: Intensificación reflexiva en español.
(29) Grammar seminar, Ny Forskning i Grammatik 14. October 2006. Title: Atypiske sætningsargumenter i spansk – Kodning og grammatisk status.
(30) Stockholm 2006, PhD-seminar. Title:Perspectivas de la gramática construccional. El caso de se impersonal en español. Invited talk.
(31) International Research Seminar: Deconstructing constructions, Logroño 2007. Title: CXG and some typological patterns of lexicalization and information structure. Invited talk.
(32) The 10th International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics (ICLC) 2007, Krakov, Poland. Title: Informational macro-events – a typological perspective.
(33) Romanist Conference, Stockholm 2007. Title: La construcción de eventos complejos en español: una perspectiva contrastiva.
(34) The first Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), Lund. 2007. Title: The construction of macro-events: typology and information structure.
(35) International seminar. Constructions in language. Title: Levels of constructional organization. Typological differences, 2008.
(36) The Fifth International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG5), University of Texas at Austin. 2008. Title: Levels of constructional organization.
(37) 41 annual meeting of SLE, 2008, Languages in contact, grammar, translation, corpora. University of Bologna at Forli. Title: The division of labour between lexical templates and constructional templates. A contrastive perspective.
(38) Grammar seminar, Ny Forskning i Grammatik 16. Title: Coercion og konstruktionel specificitet. Et kontrastivt perspektiv. Karresbækminde, October 2008.
(39) The second Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), Stockholm. 2009. Title: Parameter setting or diverging principles of clausal organization?
(40) Grammar seminar, Ny Forskning i Grammatik 17. Title: Marginal brug af mådesverber i spanske bevægelsesudtryk. Typologisk status. October 2009.
(41) Stockholm, 2009. Title: Expresiones de movimiento en español – Su estado tipológico. Invited talk.
(42) International seminar on deixis and pronouns, Copenhagen 2010. Title: Constructional segmentation and motivation.
(43) IX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General, Valladolid 2010. Title: Usos marginales de la expresión de movimiento en español. Su estado tipológico.
(44) The sixth International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG6), Prague 2010. Title: The telic usage of manner of motion verbs in Spanish – lexical vs. constructional constraints. Levels of constructional organization.
(45) International seminar on pronouns and deíxis, Copenhagen 2011. Title: 2011. Title: Internal versus external motivation for case.
(46) The Third Conference of the Swedish Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), Copenhagen 2011. Title: The Spanish impersonal se-construction. Constructional motivation for case-marking - quantitative evidence.
(47) 41 annual meeting of SLE, 2011. University of Logroño, Spain. Title: Constructions as typological prototypes. Measuring lexicalization patterns in constructions.
(48) University of Lund, 2011. Phd-seminar. Title: Argument structure constructions in a contrastive perspective - English compared to Spanish. Invited talk.
(49) University of Lund, 2011. Title: Las construcciones básicas. Una perspectiva contrastiva. Invited talk.
(50) The seventh International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG7), Seoul 2012. Title: Secondary argument structure constructions. Evidence from Spanish.
(51) Stockholm, 2013. Title: Algunas construcciones de movimiento y su categorización y variación léxica. Invited talk.
(52) Osnabrueck, Germany. Eighth International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-8): Form–meaning mapping and construction specific variation. September 2014.
(53) Poznań, Poland. 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Theme session: From methodology back to theory: How do current empirical methods feed back into linguistic theory?: Verb constraints on argument structure and generalized constructional patterns. Evidence from Spanish. September 2014.
(54) Juiz de Fora, Brazil. 9th. International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG9). From syntactic tests to constructional diagnostics of the role of argument structure constructions. October 2016.
(55) Møde i Grammatiknetværk. Københavns Universitet. Syntaktiske tests: fra kategoribestemmelse til diagnostik af konstruktioners funktion. October 2016.
(56) Construction Grammar workshop (Organizer): Grammatical constructions - cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic variability. University of Copenhagen. Data driven versus theory driven research. On the variability of Spanish directed motion constructions. December 2016.
(57) Workshop on motion in language (Lingvistkredsen): Spanish constructions of directed motion in a cross-linguistic perspective – Constructional variation and framing strategies.
(58) The Sixth International Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC 6) Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University April, 2017. Joint paper: Wojciech Lewandowski and Johan Pedersen, Morphological transitives in Spanish and Danish – a typological perspective.
(59) The Sixth International Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC 6) Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University April, 2017. Joint paper: Johan Pedersen and Caterina Guardamagna, On the role of argument structure constructions in Romance – a cross-linguistic perspective.
(60) Work on Construction Grammar (coorganizer): Theoretical and applied approaches. Unaccusativization and morphological aspect blocking vs. verb-congruent clause meaning and aspect construal.
(61) The tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar, Paris, July 2018. Spanish verb-congruent clause meaning and the role of context - a contrastive perspective.
(62) The 4th annual Usage-Based Linguistics conference, Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will be held at the Tel Aviv University campus. Spanish verb-congruent clause meaning, learned patterns and the role of morphological aspect - a contrastive perspective. July 2018.
(63) El vigesimosegundo Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas, marzo, 2019, Freie Universität Berlín. Invited speaker in the section “Construcciones en español: contacto, variación y cambio”.
(64) Speaker at the workshop. Constructions in the Nordics, Kiel University, 24–25 October 2019.
Associate professor of Spanish Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen.
Head of the Spanish section at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Languages, University of Copenhagen.
Chairman of the Kirsten Schottlænder’s Foundation board. The foundation awards grants for studies and research projects within Spanish, Catalan, or Portuguese language and culture.
Editor of the international peer reviewed journal Revue Romane, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, Spanish linguistics (level 2 journal).
Cognitive and functional linguistics
Usage-based, constructionist approaches to grammar
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive linguistics - language typology
Organizational principles of clause structure
Expressions of motion events
The Spanish reflexive/impersonal constructions
The relation between research, teaching and learning
Courses - BA-level
Corpus linguistics, elementary course. The use of linguistic corpora. First year.
Spanish phonetics and phonology. First year.
Grammar and cognition. Second year.
Theory and history of the sciences. Second year.
Contrastive linguistics and translation. Second year.
Courses - Masters (KA) level
Usos y variedades del español actual.
Translation and contrastive culture studies.
Advanced corpus linguistics.
Spanish grammar and linguistics
Contrastive linguistics
Office hours: Thursday 12-13
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference › Conference abstract for conference › Research › peer-review
Pedersen, J. (Member)
Activity: Membership types › Membership in review committee
Pedersen, J. (Editor)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Pedersen, J. (Editor)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of Research journal › Communication