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Jens Thorvald Høeg

Ph.d & D.Sc

  • Strandpromenaden 5

    3000 Helsingør

1991 …2019

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Current research

My general research focus is on the biology and evolution of Crustacea. Most of my work concerns barnacles (Cirripedia) and their closest relatives. Barnacles are perfect for studying evolutionary specializations. Being permanently sessile, the adults deviate drastically from the crustacean ground pattern and have radiated into forms so different as highly reduced parasites (Rhizocephala) and filter feeders (Thoracica). This has entailed extreme modifications of larval development, metamorphosis and reproduction strategies. Research tools comprise culturing of larvae for experiments related to settlement, reproduction and ultrastructural analysis. Data from adults and larvae is pulled together to obtain a better understanding of cirripede evolution and phylogeny. To this is added molecular tools to analyze evolutionary patterns. In this context microsatellites are used to study the population biology of parasitic barnacles in both Danish systems and in a species that has migrated through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean.



Jens Thorvald Høeg

Born 01 October 1952, Herlev, Denmark

Married 1986 with dentist Marianne Holst-Knudsen Children 1, Julie Holst-Knudsen, born 1987

Private address: Menuetvej 15, DK-2730 Herlev, pho/fax +45 44 84 11 60, email mailto:[email protected]


CURRENT POST: Lektor (Assoc.Prof.)

Department of Zoomorphology, Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen

Address, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark

Pho: +45 35 32 12 47, Fax: +35 32 12 00, E-mail: [email protected]


1981: Cand. Scient (M.Sc.), in Zoology, Univ. Copenhagen

1985: Ph.d. in Zoology, Univ. Copenhagen

1996: Dr. scient. (,), Univ. Copenhagen.

EMPLOYMENT after first degree

1982: Research fellow, Kristineberg Marine Biological Station, Sweden

1982-85: Ph.d. student fellowship

1985-88: Postdoctoral fellowships

1988: Teaching assistant, and The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen

1989-90: Postdoctoral fellowships

1990-94: Assist. prof. (Adjunkt)

1994-96: Assoc. prof. vicariate, untenured (lektorvikar)

1996-present: Tenured employment as Lekturer


1992: University of Copenhagen, Diploma and award for Extraordinary Effort and Innovation in Teaching. 1992: The Crustacean Society Best paper award


1990-1993: Member of Teacher-Student Council, Zoological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen

1996-2006: Member of Faculty Council, Faculty of Science

1998-2003: Member of Advisory Board, Zoological Institute

1998-2003: Head of Department of Zoomorphology, Zoological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen

2000-present: Board member, Centre for Science Learning, Faculty of Science, Univ. Copenhagen

2003: Chairman, Advisory Committee for restructuring the biological Institutes, Ibid.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (1977 - present)

Curricular teaching: Zoomorphology, Comparative Evolutionary Zoology; Organismal Diversity; Electron Microscopy, Zooplankton .

M.Sc. students: Henrik Glenner (1994), Peter Gram Jensen (1994), Jørgen Olesen (1995), Bo Øksnebjerg (1997), Anders Garm (2000), Niklas Lagersson (2001), Mikkel Blomsterberg (2002); Ole Sten Møller (2003); Christian Baron (2003), Susan Holdt (2003), Sissel Jo Gazan (2005)

Ph.d. students: Henrik Glenner (co-advisor), Jørgen Olsen (co-advisor), Anders Garm.

Ph.d. evaluation boards. 1996- member of 4 evaluation committees (Univ. Copenhagen., Univ. Amsterdam) two of these as committee chairman.

Exchange teacher: EU Socrates program, Humboldt University Berlin, 2002, 2003

Outreach teaching: Initiator and sole Biology teacher in the teaching project "Brobygning Gymnasium started 2006.


1995                 Chairman, International Symposium on "Barnacle Evolution"

1987-99            Board member of the Danish Natural History Society

1998-03            President-elect, president, and past-president: The Crustacean Society

2000-01            President, The Danish Natural History Society

EDITORIAL WORK: Advisory Board member: Acta Zoologica, Zoologischer Anzeiger, Biologiya Morya, Journal of Morphology. Book Editor 1995 for Balkema, Rotterdam.

REFEREE FOR: Animal Biol., Arthropod Structure and Development, Crustaceana, Hydrobiologia, Jour. Crustacean Biol.; J Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.; J. Morphology; J. natural Hist.; Lethaia; Marine Biology; Marine Biology research; Organisms-Development-Evolution;  Palaeogeo.-Palaeoclimat.-Palaeoecol.; Raffles J. Zool.; Revista Biologia tropical; Scientia Marina; Zoologischer Anzeiger; Zoologica Scripta; Zoosystema; Zootaxa and other journals.


Referee of Promotion full professor level: Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1990). The Florida State University, Tallahassee (1992). Referee of grant proposals: National Environmental Research Council, U.K.; National Geographical Society, U.S.A.; NSERC (Canada). Seminars at numerous international institutions.


MAJOR PERSONAL GRANTS  after 1995  (Principal investigator PI )

1995 The Carlsberg Foundation: Inverted .............................................................. 220.000 Dkr

1996 The Danish Research Agency (SNF): Motorized light microscope......................... 544.000 Dkr

1997 The Danish Research Academy: Visiting foreign postdoc................................... 340.000 Dkr

1997 The Carlsberg Foundation: Image analysis soft - and hardware........................ 100.000 Dkr

1999 The Danish Research Agency (SNF): Personal research grant 2000-2002............ 240.000 Dkr

2000 The Danish Research Agency (SNF): Digital camera and microscope.................... 193.690 Dkr

2000 The Carlsberg Foundation: Personal research grant ........................................... 70.000 Dkr

2001 The Danish Research Agency (SNF): Digital camera and endoscope.................... 170.000 Dkr

2002 European Union SYSRESOURCE : 3 week research visit. ..................................... 20.000 Dkr

2002 The University of Copenhagen: Advanced digital camera................................... 200.000 Dkr

2002 The Danish Research Agency (SNF): Personal research grant............................. 391.427 Dkr

2002 The Carlsberg Foundation: Personal research grant ......................................... 130.000 Dkr

2002 European Union KMS ARI centre: 1 month research visit, ca. ............................... 40.000 Dkr

2003 The Carlsberg Foundation. Video-graphics workstation and software..................... 40.000 Dkr

2004 Villum Kann Rasmussen Fonden. postdoc, lab assistant salary and budget........1.600.000 Dkr

2004 The Danish Research Agency (SNF). PC and microscope ................................... 148.000 Dkr

2004 The Carlsberg Foundation. Visit by guest researchers..........................................54.000 Dkr

2007 The Carlsberg Foundation. Visit by guest researcher...........................................70.000 Dkr

2007 The Danish Research Agency (FNU). Personal research grant 2008-2010.............720.000 Dkr


1992-2003. The Danish Research Agency (SNF) frame grant  " Evolutionary zoomorphology" to Claus Nielsen (PI): travels and technical assistance. 2001-2003 total:............................................................................................................... 2.040.000 Dkr

2000 For SEM instrument with Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum and Botanical Institute, Danish Research Agenc(SNF)............................................................................... 2.800.000 Dkr

2001 Danish Research Agency (SNF), TEM instrument with same as above................ 1.200.000 Dkr

2000-2004. The European Union. For Large Scale Infrastructure Facility: Copenhagen  Biosystematics Centre. Approx. for all years........................................................... 1.458.333 EU

2003-2005. National science Foundation, USA. The phylogeny of the Cirripedia............. 70.000 USD

2002-2004. The Carlsberg Foundation: 1 year lab assistant salary ............................ 300.000 Dkr

2004-2006. Danish Research Agency (SNF). Frame grant........................................... 550.000 Dkr

POSTGRADUATE and POSTDOCTORAL COURSES: Embryology of marine invertebrates, Kristineberg (1984). Online literature retrieval. Uni-C (1988). Numerical cladistics. Zool. Mus. Univ. Copenhagen (1988). Image Analysis in Biology and Medicine. Royal Medical School, London (1992). Computers and Image analysis in Electron Microscopy. JEOL Scandinavia) (1992). Immuno-localization in Electron Microscopy. Royal Medical School, London (1998). ImagePro+ image analysis (2004)

RESEARCH: Larval development, settlement and metamorphosis, life cycles and reproductive strategies, parasitology, and phylogeny (principally in Crustacea). Methods: laboratory culture of larvae, experiments in metamorphosis; classical morphology; scanning and transmission electron microscopy; computerized microscopy and image analysis; computerized numerical and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Scope: To use ontogenetic,  ultrastructural, and reproductive data in estimating phylogeny and the evolution of complex life cycles.

PRIVATE INTERESTS: Classical music, HiFidelity, military history, astronomy and space exploration, Walt Disney and Hergé comics, aquarium hobby, cooking, and not thinking of science.


  • Faculty of Science
  • zoology
  • morphology
  • reproduction
  • ecology
  • evolution
  • larval biology
  • ultrastructure
  • phylogeny


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