No photo of Jane Fejfer
  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

My research is centered on the visual culture in the Roman world, on Roman portraiture set in dialogue with portraits of the Danish neo-classical sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. I also work on the role and function of mythological sculpture in the Roman East and I am looking into the challenges and potentials of introducing collecting as a phenomenon which may be useful for investigating assemblages of art works in the Roman world.


Powerful presences: the sculptural portrait between absence and presence, group and individual. With outset in Bertel Thorvaldsen’s portraits this project which is supported by the Velux Foundation and under the auspices of the Thorvaldsens Museum and the Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, investigates the potentials of the material agency of the three-dimensional portraits medium through time. It is structured around a number of conferences and seminars, an exhibition and a number of curatorial experiments, which aim at integrating research and curating in a dynamic reciprocal exchange


Primære forskningsområder

  • Romersk skulptur i kontekst
  • Antik reception
  • Samlinger i antikken

Aktuel forskning

  • From collecting to canon formation: the formation of sculpture collections in the Hellenistic and Roman periods
  • Powerful presences: the sculptural portrait between presence and absence individual and mass
  • Just facade? the relationship between sculpture and architecture in the Roman East

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

  • Klassisk-hellenistisk græsk arkæologi
  • Romersk arkæologi
  • Antikreception
  • Fagets metode og teori


  • Materiel kultur som identitetsskabende fænomen
  • Kontinuitet og tradition som nyskabende processer
  • Akkulturationsprocesser
  • Det romerske Cypern


Introductory remarks on publicationslist





  1. Roman Portraits in Context. Jane Fejfer. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin 2008.

  2. Thorvaldsen's Collection of Classical Sculpture. J. Fejfer & T. Melander. Thorvaldsens Museum 2003.

  3. The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture. I.2 The Roman Male Portraits. Jane Fejfer. Liverpool University Press 1997.

  4. Ancient Akamas. Settlement and Environment, J. Fejfer et al. Aarhus University Press 1995

  5. The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture. I.1 The Female Portraits, J. Fejfer & E.C. Southworth. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1991. 


    Books in preparation:

    6.       Just façade? Roman ideal sculpture in the East


    Edited volumes:

    7.       Tradition.  Transmission of Culture in theAncient World, J. Fejfer, M. Moltesen, A. Rathje (eds.), Acta Hyperborea  2015   

    8.       Rediscovery of Antiquity. The Role of the Artist. J. Fejfer, T. Fischer-Hansen, A, Rathje (eds.), Acta Hyperborea 2003.


    Edited volumes in preparation:   

    9.       Sacred Treasures: Inscribing and Collecting Art in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries. J. Fejfer & T. Myrup Kristensen (eds.) forthcoming

    10.     A Cultural History of Collecting in Antiquity J. Fejfer & G. Cirucci (eds.) Volume 1 of the international 5 volume series A Cultural History of Collecting published by Bloomsbury Publishing, edited by Christina M. Anderson, in preparation


    Lexicon articles:

    11.     “Cyrene and the Cyrenaica”, in R.S. Bagnall et al (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Vol. 4. Chichester 2013, 1896-1900.

    12.     “Collections and Collectors”, in M. Gagarin & E. Fantham (eds.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. Vol. 2. Oxford 2010, 248-50.


    Articles in Press:

    13.     “Structuring the World through Objects: collecting and collections in the ancient world”, in G. Adornato et al. (eds.) Beyond  Collecting

    14.     “Sculpture and niches in the Roman East”, in Acts of the International conference on Salamis held in Nicosia in October 2015


    Articles and reviews

    15.     “Age quod agis (“keep going”) A History of the Ince Blundell Collection”, in Beauty and Virtue. Exhibition Catalogue Mexico City. 2018

    16.     Collecting Portraits of Greek Men of Letters in Antiquity: Long term Perspectives”, in M. Claveria (ed.) Viri Antiqui. Sevilla 2017,51-60

    17.     “In fear of Anonymity? Or the context of Hellenistic citizen portraits, in S. Faust et al     (eds) Festschrift für Inge Nielsen zum 65. Geburtstag GATEWAYS Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes 2. Aachen 2015, 77-112

    18.     “Roman Portraits in Context”, in: B. Borg (ed.) A Companion to Roman Art. The Blackwell Companion to Roman Art, Chichester 2015, 233-251.

    19.     “Statues of Roman Women and cultural transmission: understanding the so-called Ceres statue as a Roman  portrait carrier, in J. Fejfer, M. Moltesen, A. Rathje (eds.),  Tradition.  Transmission of Culture in theAncient World Acta Hyperborea  2015, 85-116.  

    20.     “Review of E. Di Filippo Balestrazzi, Sculture Romane del Museo Nazionale Concordiense di Portogruaro 2012, JRS 105 (2015), 258-61.

    21.     “Marble mania. Code-switching in Roman Cyprus?, in K. Winther-Jacobsen (ed.) Artefact Variability, Assemblange Differentiation, and Identity negotiation: debating code-switching in material culture HEROM 2 (2013) 169-98.

    22.     “Margam Park Revisited” with E.C. Southworth in V. Dobrowolski (ed.), Studia memoriae Professoris Thomae Mikocki. Et in Arcadia Ego. 2013, 305-15

    23.     “Interpreting images of Roman imperial women [review of A. Alexandridis, Die Frauen des römischen Kaiserhauses 2004]“, JRA 19 (2006) 465-72.

    24.     “Sculpture in Roman Cyprus”, in: L. Wriedt Sørensen and K. Winther Jacobsen, Panayia Ematousa II Political, cultural, ethnic and social relations in Cyprus. Approaches to regional studies. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens. 6.2. Athens 2006, 81-123.

    25.     “København som skulpturby”, Afstøbningssamlingen – Død eller levende? København 2005, 107-11.

    26.     “Wiedewelt, Winckelmann and Antiquity”, in: J. Fejfer, T. Fischer-Hansen, A, Rathje (eds.), Rediscovery of Antiquity. The Role of the Artist. Acta Hyperborea 2003, 232-33.

    27.     “Sculpture in Roman Cyprus”, Apollo International Magazine of the Arts. July London 2003, 15-22.

    28.     “Restoration and display of classical sculpture in English Country Houses – A case of dependence”, in: M. True and J. Podany (eds.), History of Restoration of Ancient Stone Sculpture. Getty Publications. Los Angeles 2003, 87-104.

    29.     “Portraits of the Roman Empress and her Fellow Elite Women”, in: M. Buchsel and P. Schmidt (eds.), Das Porträt vor der Erfindung des Porträts. Frankfurt 2003, 77-88.

    30.     “Ancestral Aspects of the Roman Honorary Statue”, in: J.M. Højte (ed.), Images of Ancestors. Aarhus 2002, 247-56.

    31.     “The classical portrait bust in 18th century England, Identification and restoration”, in: Antikensammlungen des europäischen Adels im 18. Jh. als Ausdruck eines europäischen Programms 8-10 Februar 1996, Forschungsarchiv für antike Plastik, Cologne University. Mainz 2000, 56-60. 

    32.     “What is a private Roman Portrait”, in: H. von Steuben (ed.), Antike Porträts. Zum Gedächtnis von Helga von Heintze. Frankfurt 1999, 137-48.

    33.     “The official Roman portrait. Some problems in methodology”, Ostraka VII (1999) 45-56.

    34.     “Ancient western Akamas” (with P.P. Hayes), in: Actes XIV Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Clasica. Madrid 1996 

    35.     “Ancient Akamas and the Abandonment of Sites in 7th century AD Cyprus” (with P.P. Hayes), in: P. Wallace (ed.), Visitors, Immigrants, and Invaders in Cyprus. Actes of a Conference held at the Institute of Cypriot studies at the University at Albany State University at New York on October 6-8, 1994, Albany 1995, 62-69.

    36.     “Ayios Kononas. A late Roman/early Byzantine site in the Akamas” (with H.E.Mathiesen) Acta Cypria 1992, 67-83.

    37.     “The Danish Akamas Project” (with H.E. Mathiesen), Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 1992, 211-23.

    38.     “Divus Caracalla and Diva Julia Domna”, Acta Hyperborea 4, 1992, 207-19.

    39.     “The Danish archaeological excavations at Ayios Kononas” (with N. Hannestad and H.E. Mathiesen), Acta Hyperborea 3, 1991, 97-109.

    40.     “The Roman portraits from the Ince Blundell Collection and their 18th century context”, Journal of the History of Collections 3.2, 1991, 235-54

    41.     “Henry Blundell and his Collection of Ancient Portraits” (with E.C. Southworth)  Actes of an International Conference on Roman Portraiture held at Warsaw in September 1989. Warsaw 1996,

    42.     “Summer in England. Ince Blundell Hall Revisited” (with E.C. Southworth), Apollo. International Magazine of the Arts 1989, 179-82.

    43.     “Official Portraits of Julia Domna”, Quaderni de la Ricerca Scientifica 1988, 295-301.

    44.     “The Portraits of Julia Domna. A new Approach”, Analecta Romana 16, 1985, 129-38.



    Entries in exhibition and museum catalogues

    Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Imperial Rome II (Copenhagen 2002) cat. nos. 23-26, 47, 51, 52, 101, 104, 116.

    Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Imperial Rome III (Copenhagen 2005) cat. nos. 22, 47, 60, 61, 67, 72, 79, 86, 95, 96, 101, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113-15, 123-25, 130, 173, 179, 180-85, 210.

    I marmi colorati della Roma Imperiale (Rome 2002)  350-51, 433-36.

    Articles in Danish newspapers, magazines, anthologies and journals.


Short presentation

My research is centered on the visual culture in the Roman world, on Roman portraiture set in dialogue with portraits of the Danish neo-classical sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. I also work on the role and function of mythological sculpture in the Roman East and I am looking into the challenges and potentials of introducing collecting as a phenomenon useful for investigating assemblages of art works in the Roman world.


Powerful presences: the sculptural portrait between absence and presence, group and individual. With outset in Bertel Thorvaldsen’s portraits this project which is supported by the Velux Foundation and under the auspices of the Thorvaldsens Museum and the Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, investigates the potentials of the material agency of the three-dimensional portrait medium through time. It is structured around a number of conferences and seminars, an exhibition and a number of curatorial experiments, which aim at integrating research and curating in a dynamic reciprocal exchange

  • Stone Face

    Fejfer, J. (Organizer), Bøggild Johannsen, K. (Organizer) & Mrgan, L. (Organizer)

    1 Oct 20182 Oct 2018

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  • head of phd board

    Fejfer, J. (Participant)

    6 Aug 201826 Nov 2018

    Activity: Other activity typesOther

  • Creating the Portrait

    Fejfer, J. (Organizer) & Bøggild Johannsen, K. (Organizer)

    11 Dec 201712 Dec 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  • Crossroad Archaeology : Global narratives of local encounter

    Fejfer, J. (Organizer), Merkyte, I. (Organizer), Rindel, P. O. (Organizer) & Roland, T. P. (Organizer)

    26 Oct 201729 Oct 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  • Sacred treasures:

    Fejfer, J. (Organizer) & Kristensen, T. M. (Organizer)

    9 Dec 2016

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

  • head of habilitation board (Event)

    Fejfer, J. (Chair)

    19 Feb 201610 Oct 2016

    Activity: Membership typesMembership in committee, council, board