Research output per year
Research output per year
Karen Blixens Plads 8
2300 København S
Research activity per year
Since I received my education I have been working with metaphysical topics such as time and causation, the relation between abstract and concrete entities, and the concept of truth; as well as with topics within philosophy of science such as interpretations of quantum mechanics, space and time in physics, explanation and understanding in the sciences and humanities, cientific models and theories, and realism vrsus antirealism in human thinking.
My research areas covers metaphysics, philosophy of science and the humanities, epistemology, and philosophy of mind as well as adjacent areas like analytic aesthetics.
Currently I am writing a book concerning philosophy of mind and evolutionary biology in which I outline how the mind can be understood in relation and adaption to the environment.
Everything within teoretical philosophy and adjacent areas such as analytic aesthetics., dr.phil., born 25.02.1947. Found qualified as full professor nine times during my carrier.
Studied philosophy and physics at the University of Copenhagen 1970-1978; in philosophy (1975) and dr.phil, (1981).
Current position
Associate Professor of philosophy at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.
Research Interests
Over the years I have been working with various fields in Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics. I dedicated myself to philosophy of space and time, quantum mechanics, causality and more recently with explanation, interpretation, and the methodological differences and similarities between the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the human sciences.
Ongoing Research
My current research consists of writing a book with the title Understanding by Science. Here I attempt to show what biology can tell us about understanding, and what philosophy can say about science based on a naturalized concept of human understanding. But I also work on philosophy of quantum mechanics and have to prepare a talk about causation in physics and biology and one on understanding the relation between mind and the machine.
My scientific publications cover many aspects of philosophy of science such as metaphysics, philosophy of physics, scientific epistemology, general methodology, and the philosophy of the human sciences. Today, my publications include 10 books, 15 edited books, and more than 120 scientific papers and reviews.
Academic honorary positions
In addition I have acted as peer reviewer for Norges Forskningsråd, Sverige Riksbanks, and The European Science Foundation.
Distinguishes, Stipends, Grants and Fellowships:
1971: Silver medal for the price paper of philosophy, University of Aarhus 1970.
1982-83: Carlsberg/Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship, University of Cambridge
1984, 1986, 1989, 1992-94: Carlsbergfondet.
1983, 1988, 1991: Julie Damms Studiefond.
1991: Julie von Müllens Fond.
1979, 1999-2000: The Danish Research Counsel for the Humanities.
1991/92: Visiting Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh.
1993: CIES Fulbright Award.
1994: Visiting Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh.
1996: Corresponding member of Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences.
2000: The Danish Academy in Rome.
2000-01: The Danish Advanced Institute for the Humanities
2004: Ordinary member of Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences.
2008-2009: The Danish Research Counsel for Culture and Communication
The list of publication contains only titles after 2000.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Contribution to newspaper - Newspaper article
Faye, J. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation of and participation in conference
Faye, J. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Faye, J. (Participant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Faye, J. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Faye, J. (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Faye, J. (Speaker)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Faye, J. (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Faye, J. (Participant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course