Activities per year
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Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research (Journal)
Meyer, I. H. C. (Review editor)
May 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Journal)
Meyer, I. H. C. (Review editor)
May 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Journal)
Meyer, I. H. C. (Review editor)
Mar 2015Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Når hunden bider
Meyer, I. H. C. (Lecturer)
Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Journal)
Meyer, I. H. C. (Review editor)
Sept 2014Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Avl for forbedret velfærd hos racehunde
Meyer, I. H. C. (Speaker)
Sept 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Hunden i det offenti
Meyer, I. H. C. (Organizer)
Apr 2014Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation of and participation in conference
Hund-fører interaktion i relation til hundens adfærd og indlæring
Meyer, I. H. C. (Lecturer)
Mar 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Hundens og menneskets relation med fokus på personlighed og sociale færdigheder
Meyer, I. H. C. (Speaker)
2 Feb 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution