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Hilda Rømer Christensen


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Dr. Hilda Rømer Christensen is head of the Coordination for Gender Studies at University of Copenhagen.  She has written extensively on gender, culture, religion, welfare and citizenship in historical and current perspectives.  She was a partner in the FP6 financed  research project Femcit. Gendered Citizenship in Multicultural Europe. The Impact of the contemporary Women’s Movement and she has been the scientific coordinator for the  FP 6 funded SSA TRANSGEN  focused on gender mainstreaming of  transport and research in the EU.  From 2010 she is a member of the  Co-ordination committee for Welfare and Innovation at the Sino-Danish University Centre in Beijing and heads a research project  focused on World Dynamics in Micro Perspectives: (Re)making middle Class Families, China – Denmark, including housing, mobility and transport. Member of  the EU national programme committees in relation to Social Sciences and Transport, and the EU Marie Skokowska-Curie Advisory group for Horizon 2020.

Member of the research group Knowledge, Organization and Politics

Primary fields of research

1. World Dynamic in Micro Perspectives: (Re)making Middle Class Families, China-Denmark. The projectfocus on the politics of the home and car as lenses for the new regimes of living in the east and the west. I use an experimental comparative and multilevel methodology based on a bricolage of interviews and observations, written and visual sources, strategic documents collected among urban citizens,  in the mass media, at car-show rooms, institutions and among experts. I am out for minor histories that address themselves to the “big” questions of globalization in a “careful and limited manner”. My approach is concept based and eclectic; it combines key ideas  such as  connecting comparison and global assemblages, as well as  gendered interpellations. In its initial phases  supported by the Sino-Danish Research Centre in Beijing (including a Ph.d. project at UCAS and Department of Sociology. Collaborating with the Fudan Sino- Nordic Gender Studies Network and networks of Chinese scholars.)

2. Citizenship and Mainstreaming as Communicative Events. The interest is to update and broaden current feminist research on citizenship and gender mainstreaming related to the European Union in different areas such as diversity, transport, mobility and sustainability.   This implies the use of  intersectional gender concepts and critical discourse analysis and  studies of communicative events such as text, talk, images and related types of affective representations in politics and campaigns.  And a  fresh approach to the agendas and practices related to  EU-governance, gender equality and citizenship. (  EU FP 6 Integrated Project, Gender STE/ FP7 COST Action 2013-2016,  Nordic  networks and evaluations.)

3. Politics of Piety, Gender and Modernity. Conceptual  challenges posed by religious mobilisations of women in terms of agency. Using the early 20th century influential protestant/Evangelical and world based YWCA  and their buildings as a case I suggests a broad understanding of how religious movements and practices have been involved in and marked by the contradictions of liberal modernity. The study also exposes a logic and a different path to personal authority and modernity than the one routinely offered in sociological and feminist studies. (Nordic and International workshops and networks.)


Current position:
Associate Research Professor, University of Copenhagen 1996-present

Head of the Co-Ordination for Gender Studies, University of Copenhagen, 1996 – present:

Head of Gender Certificate. An interdisciplinary Educational initiative on Gender And Body Dynamics.  University of Copenhagen.

Previous positions:
Associate Research professor, University of  Aarhus, and Copenhagen, Visiting scholar at the following universities: Fudan University, Nordic Centre 2013 + 2014, Smith College, Mass. USA 2004-2005,Cambridge University, Clare Hall  2000,  The Goethe University, Frankfurt a.m. Germany. 1994, Institute of Historical Research, University of London/Carlsberg foundation 1991-92, Visiting Scholar at Institute for Research on Women and Gender. Columbia University, New York./ ACLS Fellow  1989

Cand.phil 1982, Aarhus University (Modern History)
PhD 1991, Aarhus University (Modern History)

Scientific commitees, expertgroups etc.
Styreleder (chair) at the Board of Nordisk Institut for Kvinde- og Kønsforskning, Oslo appointed by Nordisk Ministerråd./ Danish Minister of Equality, 2004-2005.

2010- present: Sino- Danish University Centre, Beijing: Member of Scientific committee on Welfare and Innovation.
2013 – present: member of the EU/ FP 8/ HORIZON 2020:  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ Advisory Group / appointed by the EU Commission.
2014 – present: member of the EU/ FP 8/ HORIZON 2020/ Advisory Group on Gender, appointed by the EU Commission.

Academic awards and honors:
2004 – 2005: Margaret Storrs Grierson Scholar in Residence Fellowship, Smith College, USA
2000: Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall College, Cambridge, UK
1996: International Federation of University Women Recognition Award.

Management experiences etc.                                                              
2006-2007: Head of TRANSGEN. SSA  project financed by the European Commission. FP 6. 2007-2011. Partner in FEMCIT. Integrated project financed by the European Commission/ FP6
2009-2012: Partner in SKILL-RAIL. European Rail programme.  SSÅP/ EU FP 7 Programme .
2012-2015: Member of the EU COST Action: Gender, Science, Technology and Environment – gender STE. 

Other Scientific Qualifications:

Styreleder (chair) at the Board of Nordisk Institut for Kvinde- og Kønsforskning, Oslo appointed by Nordisk Ministerråd./ Danish Minister of Equality, 2004-2005.

Member of the board of external examiners  Exercise and Sports Sciences. 1998 - 2006.

Member of the board of external examiners of Ethnicity and Cultural Studies 2004

Member of the National  SSH-reference-netværk (for social science og humanities). Council of research and Innovation. Appointed by University of Copenhagen. 2009 ff

Planning/convener of international conferences:
Gender Studies at the Cutting Edge of European Research. Københavns Universitet 2002

Gender and Religion, Københavns Universitet, 2004.

Intersectionality: Gender, Race, Class. Either or – or  both and? Københavns Universitet 2005

Gender and Religion in Global Perspectives. International Conference. Københavns Universitet 2006

Gendering Climate and Sustainability. International Conference. Københavns Universitet 2009

Feminist Materialisms. International Conference. University of Copenhagen, 2012

Copenhagen Master Class in Gender and Body with prof. Aihwa Ong, 2014, 

Recent research- and educational co-operation:

Research workshop, Peking University, August 30-31, 2012. Main themes : Family, Demography, Labour and Communication, 40 participants.  ( with  Danish + PKU departments and Vip.s )

Research symposium, Fudan University, October, 2013:  30 participants ( with Danish +  Fudan University VIPs)

International short summer term,  Shanghai University/ HRC  invited Guest lecturer at international short summer term. June 2013

Research workshop: Middle class and young generation in the process of Modernitzatin. Joing workshop of China and the Nordic Countires.  Institute of Sociology, CASS. Beijing 30. September2014. ( with Nordic +  CASS VIPs)

Ph.d. course: Gender, Generation, Modernization. Fudan University, May 2015. ( co-teacher with Nordic and Chinese VIPs – 30 research students)

International summer-schools: Gender and Body Dynamics, China- Denmark, University of Copenhagen 2012 + 2014.  In August 2015 with prof. Yifei Shen from Fudan University as co-teacher.

Recent Papers and invited presentations.

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Lu Xun and the New Chinese Woman. Preliminary Thoughts and Perspectives. Paper presented at Lu Xun. A Scientific and Cultural Dialogue between East and West. 6th Academy Forum of the International  Society of Lu Xun Studies. Dusseldorf University/Confucius Institute. July 1-3, 2015.

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Presentation: The Lure of car-culture in post socialist China.  Gender, Class, and Nation. 

Expert interview: Sådan håndterer du køn. ( 7-7-2015) 

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Promoting talents, Spreading Excellence. MSCA 2014 Conference, Trento 14-18 November, 2014

Hilda Rømer Christensen: From Kingdom of Bicycles to Land of the Car: Car Culture and Gender in Urban China. Fudan University. Shanghai. invited paper to  Conference Global Transitions to Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems  Fudan University, Shanghai, June 8, 2014.

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Concepts rather than theories: The Making of the “New” Middle Class Home in China. Invited roundtable presentation at The 25th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association Lund, August 2014

Gender, Welfare, Citizenship Denmark – China. China Women’s  Federation – Research Department  Beijing( February 2012)

Remaking middle Class Families. Denmark, China. Gender Dynamics in the century. Exchanges between Denmark and  China ( Peking University,  August, 2012)

World Dynamics in Micro Perspectives: (Re)making Middle Class Families, China-Denmark.  Production, Consumption, Welfare. Invited lecture, Hebei University, China. October 2012

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Family Dynamics in post-industrial society. (Re)making Middle  Class Familiy Homes, China- Denmark. Working paper 2012r 21 pp

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Gender, Space and Place in the 21st century. Summary translated in to Chinese in Chinese Social Sciences Today  Hilda Rømer Christensen: From Kingdom of Bicycles to Land of the Car: Car Culture and Gender in Urban China. Department of Sociology, Fudan University. Shanghai . November 2013.

Editorial Boards
Member of the editorial board of Aarbog for Arbejderbevægelsens Historie.) 1985-1991.

Member of the Editorial Board at Aarhus University Press � spec. women's studies section. 1985-1988

Member of the editorial Board of Arbejderhistorie 1993-1996.

Editor in chief of the Danish research journal: Kvinder, Køn og Forskning 1996 ff.

Member of the editorial Board of Nora. Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 2007 ff

External assessments boards, Ph.d. supervison etc.
Member of the board of external examiners of Ethnicity and Cultural Studies 2004 ff 

Dec. 1999: Opponent  Licentiatseminar. Luleå Universitet

February 2003: Ph.d. committee,  Deparment of History, University of Aarhus. Dissertation.

Betygsnamn ( assessment committee/ doctoral dissertation), University of Lund 2005. (  Ulrikka Holgersen)

Assessment committee University of Aalborg, 2005 + 2007 ( Ph.d. and post.doc)

Assessment committee University of Aalborg 2010 - 11 ( ass. Professors)

Ph.d. assessment committee. Department of Sociology 2013.

PhD supervisor for 2 PhD-projects at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen 2012-2015. 

  1. Michala Hvidt Breengaard: Breasts and Bottles. Motherhood and infant feeding in post socialist China. (working title)  (2013-2015)
  2. Anne-Sofie Bach: Henpecked Husbands and Power Women? : Negotiating Masculinity, Power and Status Relations within the Heterosexual Couple (working title)( 2013-2015)

Current research

Recent Publications, Editorials,  Communications etc:

Hilda Rømer Christensen: The lure of car- culture. Gender, class and nation in  21st century car- culture in China. In Women, Gender,and Research 1.2015. pp 96-110. Forthcoming in Chinese 2016.

Hilda Rømer Christensen:  C’est le seul home de la Chine!  Empress Dowager Cixi. The concubine who launched modern China.In Women, Gender,and Research 1.2015.

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Kina og den nye middelklasse. Politiko I: Berlingske tidende, 2015-08-15, Sektion 3, s. 14-15,

Hilda Rømer Christensen and Michala Breingaard: Mainstreaming Gender,  Diversity and Citizenship: Concepts and Methodologies,  FEMCIT Working-paper No. 4, WP7. 142 pages. 2011.

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Shanghai University tur-retur. Køn, velfærd, ligestilling. 2013

Hilda Rømer Christensen: Shanghai tur-retur.  Og et par pointer om køn, religion og sociologi.         (forthcoming chapter) Gender Mainstreaming European Transport Research and Policy. Building the Knowledge Base and Mapping Good Practices. 

Hilda Rømer Christensen, Helle Poulsen, Helene Oldrup The Coordination for Gender Research, University of Copenhagen 2007. 108 pp.

Hilda Rømer Christensen (with Lene Sjørup eds): Pieties and Gender. 2009  Brill Amsterdam

Recent Invited Presentations.

 World Dynamics in Micro Perspectives: (Re)making Middle Class Families, China-Denmark. Production,Consumption, Welfare. Invited lecture, Hebei University, China. October 2012

 Hilda Rømer Christensen: Family Dynamics in post-industrial society. (Re)making Middle Class FamiliyHomes, China- Denmark. Working paper 2012r 21 pp

 June 2013: Shanghai University: invited guest lecturer at international short summer term. June 2013.

 Hilda Rømer Christensen: From Kingdom of Bicycles to Land of the Car: Car Culture and Gender in Urban China. Department of Sociology, Fudan University. Shanghai . November 2013

 Expert interview: Sådan håndterer du køn. ( 7-7-2015),

 Hilda Rømer Christensen: Promoting talents, Spreading Excellence. MSCA 2014 Conference, Trento 14-18 November, 2014

 Hilda Rømer Christensen: The gender dimension in research. Presentation at the Future of the Doctorate. International Conference. Riga 27-28 May, 2015.

 Hilda Rømer Christensen. Bringing Gender into Research.
Researcher and Society.  MSCA Actions at EuroScience Forum 2016. Manchester University, 28-29 July, 2016

 Hilda Rømer Christensen: Gender research. Recent developments in Denmark  and the EU. Public lecture. 13 october, 2016  China Women’s University, Beijing

 Hilda Rømer Christensen. Gender, transport, sustainability. A new field of research and public policy, key note. Gender and Public Policy. 15-16 October, 2016 International Conference, China Women’s University, Beijing


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Gender
  • Gender equality
  • Gender dimensioning
  • China
  • Globalization
  • Welfare
  • Innovation


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