Amy Clotworthy

Postdoc, PhD


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

I have a Ph.D. in Ethnology and a Master’s degree (cand.mag.) in Applied Cultural Analysis, both from the University of Copenhagen. I am interested in investigating how people create relationships with new technologies and digital processes, and how this may influence health practices. 

My past research has focused on conducting qualitative studies of health systems, public-health policies, medical education and training, and the socio-cultural implications of health practices. In particular, I have specialised in studying the relationship between citizens, health professionals, and politicians in everyday life to elucidate how governments, the healthcare sector, and municipal authorities can better coordinate services and programmes.

From this work, I have gained extensive experience with the design and implementation of ethnographic fieldwork projects and analyses focusing on people’s experiences of ageing in relation to national and municipal social, health, and eldercare policies, particularly home-based health initiatives such as 'reablement' programmes.

I have strong interdisciplinary and international networks from my longstanding collaborations with the Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA), the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe. I am also an active member of several professional associations and academic networks, both in Denmark and internationally.

Originally from the US, where I worked on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., before developing a career in publishing and corporate communications, I have lived in Denmark since 2008.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Education/Academic qualification

Empowering the elderly ‘whole person’: a cultural analysis of the relational practices within a municipal home-health visit, SAXO-Institute - Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History

1 Feb 201416 Nov 2017

Award Date: 16 Nov 2017

Investigating the legend of MSF: a cultural analysis of how first‐time medical volunteers interpret, experience and understand the representational reality of Médecins Sans Frontières, SAXO-Institute - Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History

Award Date: 18 Feb 2011

George Washington University

Award Date: 9 Jun 1990


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