The data behind the ApJ article "LensWatch: II. Improved Photometry and Time Delay Constraints on the Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx ("SN Zwicky") with HST Template Observations"

  • Conor Larison (Creator)
  • Justin Pierel (Creator)
  • Max Newman (Creator)
  • Saurabh Jha (Creator)
  • Daniel Gilman (Creator)
  • Erin Hayes (Creator)
  • Aadya Agrawal (Creator)
  • Nikki Arendse (Creator)
  • Simon Birrer (Creator)
  • Mateusz Bronikowski (Creator)
  • Sukanya Chakrabarti (Creator)
  • John Della Costa III (Creator)
  • David Coulter (Creator)
  • Frederic Courbin (Creator)
  • Kyle Dalrymple (Creator)
  • Suhail Dhawan (Creator)
  • Jose Diego (Creator)
  • Christa Gall (Creator)
  • Ariel Goobar (Creator)
  • Jens Hjorth (Creator)
  • Xiaosheng Huang (Creator)
  • Joel Johansson (Creator)
  • Shude Mao (Creator)
  • Rui Marques-Chaves (Creator)
  • Paolo Mazzali (Creator)
  • Anupreeta More (Creator)
  • Leonidas Moustakas (Creator)
  • Ismael Perez-Fournon (Creator)
  • Tanja Petrushevska (Creator)
  • Frédérick Poidevin (Creator)
  • Armin Rest (Creator)
  • Anowar Jaman Shajib (Creator)
  • Raphael Shirley (Creator)
  • Louis-Gregory Strolger (Creator)
  • Sherry Suyu (Creator)
  • Tommaso Treu (Creator)
  • Yossef Zenati (Creator)



Data from "LensWatch: II. Improved Photometry and Time Delay Constraints on the Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx (“SN Zwicky”) with HST Template Observations", NASA ADS To unpack the file, run tar -xvf lenswatch_ii.tar on the command line. The data for each figure is separated into an individual, labeled directory. For reference, the figures represent the following analyses and use the following data: Figure 1: The template observations as well as the template subtracted data and PSF photometry results. The data include the individual HST frames that went into the figure. Figure 2: The linear fit showing how bright the SN has to be for the contaminating flux from the host + lens galaxies to not greatly affect the photometric measurements. The data behind this figure include the drizzled HST template images and the new and old SN photometry. Figure 3: The corner plot showing our time delay results. The data behind this are the samples from the SNTD package. Figure 4: The magnification posteriors of the four images of SN Zwicky. The data are the posteriors from our SALT2 fits after applying a fiducial SN standardization. Figure 5: SALT2 fits from optical photometry shown in the F160W band, with our F160W photometry overplotted. The data include the F160W photometry. Figure 6: The PDFs of the expected F160W flux with the measured F160W fluxes shown. The data are the DOLPHOT output file, which contains the F160W fluxes, as well as the raw files used to measure the total F160W flux of all four images combined. Figure 7: Millilensing analysis results from pyHalo with the LS1 lensing parameters used. The data are the posteriors from the individual pyHalo runs, with varying parameters.
Date made available6 Jan 2025

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