Potential forest conservation value rasters for Denmark from Assmann et al. "LiDAR data fusion and machine learning identify temperate forests of high conservation value"

  • Jakob Assmann (Creator)
  • Jakob Assmann (Contributor)
  • Pil Birkefeldt Møller Pedersen (Contributor)
  • Jesper Erenskjold Moeslund (Contributor)
  • Cornelius Senf (Contributor)
  • Urs Albert Treier (Contributor)
  • Derek Corcoran (Contributor)
  • Zsófia Koma (Contributor)
  • Thomas Nord-Larsen (Contributor)
  • Signe Normand (Contributor)



Potential forest conservation value (high / low) rasters for Denmark based on a remote sensing data fusion approach. Please see manuscript (below) for a detailed description of the methods and data products. Jakob J. Assmann, Pil B. M. Pedersen, Jesper E. Moeslund, Cornelius Senf, Urs A. Treier, Derek Corcoran, Zsófia Koma, Thomas Nord-Larsen, Signe Normand. In prep. LiDAR data fusion and machine learning identify temperate forests of high conservation value. When using the data, please cite the above manuscript. Files description: Compressed and cloud optimised rasters of potential forest conservation value projections for Denmark (10 m res.) in EPSG:3857 forest_quality_ranger_biowide_10m_cog_epsg3857.tif RandomForest model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification (!! best performing model !!) forest_quality_ranger_sustainscapes_10m_cog_epsg3857.tif RandomForest model projections based on SustainScapes stratification forest_quality_gbm_biowide_10m_cog_epsg3857.tif GBM model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification forest_quality_gbm_sustainscapes_10m_cog_epsg3857.tif GBM model projections based on SustainScapes stratification Aggregated rasters of potential forest conservation value projections for Denmark (100 m res.) in EPSG:25832 forest_quality_ranger_biowide_100m.tif RandomForest model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification (!! best performing model !!) forest_quality_ranger_sustainscapes_100m.tif RandomForest model projections based on SustainScapes stratification forest_quality_gbm_biowide_100m.tif GBM model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification forest_quality_gbm_sustainscapes_100m.tif GBM model projections based on SustainScapes stratification Uncompressed and tiled rasters of potential forest conservation value projections for Denmark (10 m res.) in EPSG:25832 Please note: the archives contain approx. 42k tiles, each 10 x 10 km, as well as a VRT file for covenient loading. forest_quality_ranger_biowide_10m.zip RandomForest model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification (!! best performing model !!) forest_quality_ranger_sustainscapes_10m.zip RandomForest model projections based on SustainScapes stratification forest_quality_gbm_biowide_10m.zip GBM model projections based on BIOWIDE stratification forest_quality_gbm_sustainscapes_10m.zip GBM model projections based on SustainScapes stratification
Date made available2023

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