Plots v1.32.0 Diff since v1.31.7 Closed issues: [BUG] [PGFPlotsX] log-scale and heatmap errors (#2736) [BUG] Plot title with square brackets "[" causes segmentation fault (#3806) [FR] xlims [ ] or () (#3986) How to extract subplot from a plot? (#4045) [BUG] Unused font arg: Plots.PlotText("hey", Font("sans-serif", 14, :left, :top, 0.0, RGB{N0f8}(0.0,0.502,0.0))) (Plots.PlotText) (#4264) [FR] Support FilePathsBase.AbstractPath in savefig (#4279) [BUG] The curve does not show up if ylims is assigned (#4294) [BUG] Plots segfaults in GR (#4302) [BUG] 3D image at wrong location when xflip = true (#4304) Specifying log with arbitrary base (#4311) [BUG] Markers in legend obscure linestyles in subplots (#4312) [BUG] Log scale with custom ticks errors when using LaTeX tick labels (PGFPlots) (#4315) Saving apng to .png file results in an error. (#4316) [BUG] apng and @apng are not exported (#4318) Merged pull requests: support unicodeplots images - plot in term ImageInTerminal - Sixel (#4011) (@t-bltg) Make savefig filepath-type agnostic (#4309) (@curio-sitas) Fix apng extension versatility (#4317) (@curio-sitas) ci: try 1.8.0 stable release (#4319) (@t-bltg) 3d: add projection_type (#4320) (@t-bltg) Truncate markersize in legends to not hide linestyle (#4321) (@DrChainsaw) format: function declaration (nfc) (#4329) (@t-bltg) fix h5 Extrema (#4330) (@t-bltg) pyplot: fix var shadowing - fix docs build (#4331) (@t-bltg) 1.32.0 (#4332) (@t-bltg)
Date made available | 2022 |
Publisher | Zenodo |