FIGURE 8 in Leiocanthus quinquenudus sp. nov. and L. satanicus sp. nov., two new species of pycnophyid Kinorhyncha (Allomalorhagida: Pycnophyidae) from the Gulf of Mexico



    FIGURE 8. Scanning electron micrographs showing general overview and details of the cuticular morphology of a male (A–F) and a female (G–J) non-type specimens of Leiocanthus satanicus sp. nov. A, ventral overview; B, ventral view of the left episternal plate of segment 1; C, ventral view of the left sternal plates of segments 2–3; D, laterodorsal to ventromedial view on right half of cuticular plates of segments 4–5; E, ventral view of the left sternal plates of segments 8–9; F, ventral view of the right sternal plate of segment 10. Scales: A, 100 μm; B–J, 10 μm. Abbreviations: cr, cuticular ridge; gco, glandular cell outlet; lvse, lateroventral seta; ps, penile spine; pvse, paraventral seta; vlse, ventrolateral seta; vmse, ventromedial seta; vmt, ventromedial tube; sensory spots are marked as dashed circles; ♂ indicates the presence of male sexually dimorphic structures.
    Date made available2022

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