Data for ms. Do people really care less about their cats than about their dogs? A comparative study in three European countries

  • Svenja Springer (Creator)
  • Thomas Bøker Lund (Creator)
  • Sandra Corr (Creator)
  • Peter Sandøe (Creator)



The present dataset is based on a questionnaire which is also part of this package. The enclose questionnaire includes identifiable and relevant variables names (yellow highlighted). Participants were recruited by Norstat, a European-based survey company, with the aim of gaining a representative sample of Austrian, Danish and UK citizens, including pet owners. The survey company administers and hosts online panels comprising citizens from many European countries. We aimed for a sample that is representative in terms of age, gender, and region. Therefore, a stratified sampling principle was set up where individuals within each stratum were randomly invited to participate. The invitations were issued through e-mail that contained a link to the online questionnaire. Data was collected from 11-25th of March 2022 in Austria, from 11-24th of March 2022 in Denmark and from 8-23rd of March 2022 in the UK. The invitation provided information about the background of the study, the participating universities, ethical approval, estimated time for questionnaire completion and further, participants were informed that the completion of the questionnaire was voluntary and anonymous, and that they could exit the survey at any point. Before participants were directed to the survey, they ensured informed consent by confirming that they are over 17 years old, and consent to participate in this survey. Besides the questionnaire the dataset includes a csv and an Excel file consisting of the data that is used in the ms. and an rtf and a pdf file with data variable names/labels, and value labels.
Date made available2023

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