The acquisition of body image – exploring the psychological experience of embodiment and mentalization in anorexia nervosa

Activity: Other activity typesOther


(underprojekt til PROLED)

This project aims to investigate the role of embodiment in anorexia nervosa in the context of early caregiving relationships. By focusing on the relational nature of the body, it is important to stress that the point is not to attach blame but instead to examine how cultural norms and pressurs are filtered through the parents to whom a child develops either secure or insecure attachment. The project will thus seek to test the following hypotheses:
1. To what extent and how do narratives differ between individuals with anorexia nervosa and
those without, with regards to the themes of gender, sexuality, eating behaviors and body
2. Is it possible to identify critical junctures or markers in the narratives in relation to the
intergenerational transmission of embodiment, and if so what are they?
3. To what extent are disturbances in embodiment and levels of mentalization related?
4. How do differences and communalities between individuals with anorexia nervosa manifest
themselves in their intergenerational narratives of bodily history?
Period1 Oct 201810 Oct 2021


  • Research project