Lyden fra Konstantinopels Kirker - Et arkæoakustisk eksperiment.

Activity: Other activity typesOther (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - Other


Byzantine hymns in churches of Constantinople

"The sound from the churches of Constantinople" is an experiment in acoustic archaeology made for an exhibition on Byzantium in Rundetaarn, Denmark by Dr. Jens Holger Rindel from Odeon and Dr. Christian Troelsgaards, associate professor at University of Copenhagen and researcher in Byzantine studies. Two hymns are presented in the experiment played in the modelled acoustic environment of three different Byzantine churches earlier modelled in the CAHRISMA-project.

Interaktiv audio-visuel installation på udstillingen "Byzans - Europas Gyldne Rige".
Period16 Jan 201021 Mar 2010
Held atRundetårn, Bibliotekssalen, Denmark