Hans Tausen and his apologia for Luther.: Paper held on the RefoRC conference "The Myth of the Reformation", Zurich 2011

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution


The Danish reformer Hans Tausen is usually described in the ecclesiastical historiography as “more Lutheran” than the rest of the Danish reformation movement. However, he is not “more Lutheran” in a degree which justifies a dichotomy between reformation types in Denmark as either West-Danish/Lutheran (i.e. Tausen) or East Danish/humanist reformation (i.e. the other reformers). The Lutheran reception is largely due to Tausen’s pamphlet “Edt kort antswor til bispenss sendhæbreff aff Othense” (1528/29), in which he defends the evangelicals in Viborg against the accusation of Lutheran heresy. The presentation identifies the pamphlet's dependencies on Luther and Tausen’s understanding of Luther’s major reformatory treatises, yet attempts to place the answer in its proper, Danish context.
Period8 Jun 201110 Jun 2011
Event titleRefoRC conference 2011.
Event typeConference
LocationZürich, SwitzerlandShow on map