Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Self-management and expert assessment through autonomous arts councils - so-called arm's length bodies - have in varying shapes the organizational focal point in the development of post-war state cultural policy in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway and in the Nordic cultural co-operation in the Nordic Council of Ministers for Culture of the Agreement enters into force on 1 January 1972. In the 1980s, the arm's length principle is also used for public cultural policy in Iceland and Åland. In the 1990s, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Sami cultural cooperation.
Which development and change has influenced the arm's length principle in Nordic art policy? What impact has it had? Which challenges are facing the arm's length arts today?
Foredrag til Dansk Kunstnerråds Rådsmøde og Armslængdeprincippet og kunstpolitik i et nordisk og europæisk perspektiv den 21. januar 2013