Zombies and Citizens: The Ontopolitics of Disaster in Francis Lawrence's I Am Legend

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The so-called Darkseekers in Francis Lawrence's I Am Legend from 2007 cannot be categorized as regular zombies. Nevertheless, the movie unfolds in what I suggest calling a zombified space: a social space divided into two kinds of human beings with unequal ontological and legal status. Based on Judith Butler and Charles Taylor, the article explores the ontological interpretation going on in the movie – a kind of sovereign decision, typical for modern disaster movies, that draws a line around the political community and decides who is cast outside the social contract's circle of concern.
TitelHazardous future : disaster, representation and the assessment of risk
RedaktørerIsabel Capoa Gil, Christoph Wulf
ForlagDe Gruyter
Publikationsdato1 jan. 2015
ISBN (Trykt)9783110406528
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-11-040661-0
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2015


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
