title = "Worlds Apart? Contacts across the Baltic Sea in the Iron Age.: Network Denmark-Poland 2005-2008",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, Archeology, Denmark, Poland , Baltic Sea",
author = "Hansen, {Ulla Lund} and Anna Bitner-Wr{\'o}blewska",
note = "Forskningsnetv{\ae}rk Danmark-Polen 2005-2008, financieret af FKK. ",
year = "2010",
month = dec,
day = "1",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-87-87483-6",
series = "Nordiske Fortidsminder Serie C",
publisher = "Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab",
booktitle = "Worlds Apart? Contacts across the Baltic Sea in the Iron Age.",