Widening the Options: Implications for Public Policy

Richard Newfarmer, John Page, Finn Tarp

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Structural change is taking place in Africa at a pace and with a pattern distinct from the historical experience of today’s industrialized countries. These differences reflect technological change, a changing global marketplace interacting with policy, a rapidly growing labour force and natural endowments. Some African countries, perhaps with coastal locations, will be able to transform their economic structures through manufacturing. However, it would be surprising if the successful African economy of the future closely followed the export-oriented manufacturing-led path that characterized East Asia’s structural transformation. Africa’s growing economies are likely to have economic structures that contain high value-added agriculture, agro-industry and tradable services in addition to a more robust manufacturing base. Global realities will force Africa’s policy makers to think of ways to promote structural transformation into activities beyond manufacturing.
TitelIndustries Without Smokestacks : Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered
RedaktørerRichard Newfarmer, John Page, Finn Tarp
ForlagOxford University Press
Publikationsdatonov. 2018
ISBN (Trykt)9780198821885
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2018
NavnWIDER Studies in Development Economics


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