Whose Denmark?

Bidragets oversatte titel: Hvis Danmark?


The sky unites and connects us no matter where and who we are. It is everywhere, universal, elastic and always in metamorphosis in time and space. The Danish People’s Party places itself outside this unique experience of the universe. They have become stationary monuments in an imitation of old family photos. Like all family photos, this, too, is a construction for the occasion - yet, not for a private experience but with an anonymous public as receiver.

Nothing can gather a family like sitting for a photo session, and nothing can keep others out of the picture like the postulated unit of the family photo. The family photo is – also in this case and more than ever - exclusive and not inclusive.

This is an analysis of a poster campaign, which the Danish Populist Party (Dansk Folkeparti) ran I the summer of 2016. What does the poster do in the digital area? Why are they gathered like on a scene? Why a white background? All in all, the owls are not what they seem to be.

This article has appeared in a Danish Journal. This is an extended, revised and rewritten version. It will now appear in an American and a Swedish Journal.
Bidragets oversatte titelHvis Danmark?
Publikationsdato4 jan. 2017
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 4 jan. 2017


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • nationalisme, familiefotografi, plakater, digital tidsalder, analog længsel, familiefotografier, familien, inklusion og exklusion, æstetik, populisme


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